“Liechtenstein has developed tremendously in past few years and has complied with Solvency 2 and EIOPA regulations, being a first mover and early adapter of the latest regulatory prerequisites. We welcome all non-life insurers in Liechtenstein, offering the unique market advantages.” said Dr. Daniel Kühneisen Vice President of the Liechtenstein Insurance Association

About Liechtenstein:

Official language: German

Area: 160 km2

Population: 36.838 (31.12.2012)

Currency: Swiss Franc (CHF)


-  International Court of Justice in 1950,

-  Helsinki Final Act of the CSCE (now OSCE) in 1975,

-  Council of Europe in 1978

-  United Nations (UN) in 1990.

-  European Free Trade Association (EFTA) as a full member in 1991 and has been a member of the European Economic Area (EE)

- World Trade Organization (WTO since 1995)

- Insurance market total premium: CHF 4.2 Mrd. Non-Life 0.84 Mrd – Life 3.3 Mrd – Reinsurance 0.05 Mrd.